Environmental Awareness and Action Committee
Tasks and responsibilities: The aims of this committee are to (1) provide guidance and advice to the ISST on measures that can be taken to reduce our carbon footprint as an organisation whilst becoming more environmentally aware. This may include the way we run conferences, training events, webinars, as well as group and individual therapy; (2) Provide guidance for schema therapists for working with fear and uncertainty in the face of climate change; (3) Consideration of the wider implications of climate change for those in developing countries, and how the ISST can provide support for those who are hardest hit by impending climate changes; (4) Consideration of cultural issues and how these influence the ways in which we perceive our relationship with the environment and each other - and our capacity to connect with each other and the earth; (5) Exploration of the psychology of climate change - the factors (e.g. cultural schemas and modes) that are driving and maintaining patterns of self-destruction on our planet; (6) Consider how can we develop the Schema Therapy Healthy Adult concept further to include a more environmentally respectful 'interbeing' perspective, that acknowledges that we are part of the environment and nature.
Members: Susan Simpson, Barbara Basile, Graham Kell, Birdy O’Sheedy, Suzy Redston & Ani Zavody
Appointed by Executive Board.
Reporting to the Executive Board.
©2021 International Society of Schema Therapy e.V.
International Society of Schema Therapy e.V. is a not-for-profit organization, Germany