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Schema Therapy Training Australia

Chris Hayes and Susan Simpson

Website: www.schematherapytraining.com


Schema Therapy Training Programs

Individual ST  Training

Christopher Lee 

Website: www.psychology-training.com.au


Schema Therapy Academy of Australia (STAA)

Individual Schema Therapy Training and Supervision

Nicola Kenney

Website: www.schematherapyacademy.com


The Schema Therapy Institute Australia - Melbourne

Dr. Rita Younan

Individual & Group ST Training & Supervision

Website: www.schematherapyaustralia.com.au


Phone: 0419 558 169 

           The Schema Therapy Centre                of New South Wales

Lynda Parry

Individual Schema Therapy Training & Supervision

Child-Adolescent & Couples training in collaboration with faculty

website: https://www.schematherapycentrensw.com 


Centre for Schema Therapy Australia

Individual and Child- Adolescent Schema Therapy Training program and supervision

Rachel Samson

website: www.Centreforschematherapy.com


           Schema Therapy Couples Australia

Ruth Holt

Training & Certification Program in Couples Schema Therapy

website: schematherapycanberra.com.au 


           Therapist Training: Schema Therapy

Graham Taylor

Training & Certification Program in Individual Schema Therapy

website: www.therapist-training.com.au


 SchemXcollective: Integrative Schema Institute

Dr. Xi Liu

Training & Certification Program in Individual Schema Therapy

website: https://www.schemxcollective.org


Why Schema Therapy?

Schema therapy has been extensively researched to effectively treat a wide variety of typically treatment resistant conditions, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read our summary of the latest research comparing the dramatic results of schema therapy compared to other standard models of psychotherapy.

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