- Verabschiedet auf der Mitgliederversammlung 25.10.-08.11.2016, eingetragen am Registergericht Hamburg in Arbeit –
- Approved by the General Membership Assembly 2016-10-25 to 11-08, to be approved by Court of Registration asap -
Satzung der „International Society of Schema Therapy, ISST e.V.“
Statute of the “International Society of Schema Therapy, ISST e.V.”
verabschiedet von der Mitgliederversammlung am 11.10.2008, in Coimbra, Portugal - accepted by the founding assembly of the Society on Oct. 11, 2008, at Coimbra, Portugal;
revidiert gem. §1 Abs.5 nach Forderungen des Finanzamtes Hamburg-Nord vom 13.10. und des Registergerichtes vom 17.11.2008 - revised according to § 1 Sect. 5 concerning requirements of the Hamburg-Nord tax revenue office as of Oct. 13 and the Court of Registration as of Nov. 17, 2008.
geändert auf der 2. Mitgliederversammlung am 08.07.2010 in Berlin - revised during the 2nd membership assembly, Berlin, July 8, 2010.
geändert auf der 3. Mitgliederversammlung am 18.05.2012 in New York - revised during the 3rd membership assembly, NY, May 18, 2012.
geändert auf der 5. Mitgliederversammlung am 01.-15.05.2015 eVoting - revised during the 5th membership assembly, eVoting, 2015-05-01 to 05-15.
geändert auf der 6. Mitgliederversammlung 27.10.-10.11.2016 eVoting - revised during the 6th membership assembly, eVoting, 2016-10-27 to 11-10.
Änderungsvorschläge für die 7. Mitgliederversammlung vom 23.09.-07.10.18 – proposals for the 7th membership assembly, eVoting, 2018-09-23 to 10-07.
Gliederung der Satzung
(2) Assoziierte Mitglieder erfüllen nicht die Kriterien für eine ordentliche Mitgliedschaft, sind aber qualifiziert und berechtigt, psychologische Interventionen unter Supervision bzw. in Einrichtungen durchzuführen.
| Outline of the Statutes
Full members must also be already certified as schema therapists by the ISST, or must have engaged with ISST approved training in schema therapy by attending at least 12 hours of an ISST approved training program leading to certification. (2) Associate member: Associate members do not meet criteria for full membership but are licensed or entitled to provide psychological interventions under supervision or in structured health settings. This includes those who are enrolled in training at Masters’ or Doctoral level in mental health professional training courses such as those referred to in the criteria for Full Membership, which, once successfully completed, will lead to their being licensed to practice psychotherapy and to meet criteria for Full Membership. Regulations approved by the Executive Board from time to time determine details of the qualifications required or conditions that must be met within particular countries or regions for this level of membership to be granted. (3) Supporting member: Individuals who are interested in participating in activities related to Schema Therapy and the ISST can become supporting members of the International Society of Schema Therapy. They are not required to meet the criteria listed for Full or Associate Members. The Vice-President shall review the applications in accordance with the provisions of the Statutes concerning the admission requirements. A rejection of a membership application does not have to be justified. There is no right to be accepted as a member.
(8)The Committee transacts any current business of the Society and deals with all tasks, insofar they are not assigned by statutes, law or Committee decision to another organ or member of the Society. The Committee in particular has the following tasks: |
| Statutes
©2021 International Society of Schema Therapy e.V.
International Society of Schema Therapy e.V. is a not-for-profit organization, Germany