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ISST Training & Certification Advisory Board

The ISST Training & Certification Advisory Board (TACB) acts as an advisory board for the ISST Executive Board (EB) on any issues related to T&C referred to them for review. For example, changes in the certification requirements would be reviewed by this group and recommendations made to the EB. The board’s capacity is advisory only as any decisions would be made by the elected EB as is the overall ISST procedure.  This group consists of active senior trainers and ISST Certification Program Directors or T&C Committee chairs selected by the EB. They will serve renewable 4 year terms (with the exception of the Honorary President, Jeff Young who will continue on this board). 

TAB members will not serve concurrently on the EB. The liaison to the TACB will be the Board Representative for Training & Certification; however, this liaison will not be a voting member of the TAB. The TAB is not intended to serve as a program committee for conferences, but rather, as an advisory body. Programs for the training events can be referred  to them for input.

The first TCAB members are: Wendy Behary, Jeff Conway, Ida Shaw, Vartouhi Ohanian, Arnie Reed, Graham Taylor, Gerhard Zarbock, Christine Zens, and Ofer Peled. As of 12-1-2018 the EB has appointed Joaan Farrell, former Coordinator of Training & Certification as the chair of the committee. Jeff COnway, due to his election tto tthe EB will withdraw from the committee as of the same date. A member representing the Netherlands is currently under consideration by the Dutch ST Registry Board. Jeff Young, ISST Honorary President will also be a member. The chair will convene meetings as requested by the EB. The TCAB can also originate suggestions for changes in the T&C area to the EB.

Training and Certification Committees
The function of all committees is to give input to the Coordinator of T&C on various T&C issues and to research and prepare proposals when requested that will go to the Executive Board. Decisions are made by the EB, the T&C committees have an advisory not a decision making role. The EB is the group elected by the membership and invested with the authority within ISST statutes to make decisions affecting the society.
These committees are made up of schema therapists who are either senior or with recognized expertise in the area of study. They are appointed by the EB and serve indefinite terms. They act in an advisory capacity to the EB, giving recommendations on topics or issues that they are asked to research or comment on.

1.    Training & Certification Committee
This committee consists of the representatives for the geographic areas of ISST membership who act as reviewers for certification applications from members in their area.
Additional projects for 2015 include:
a.    Develop additional guidelines for the approval of ST training programs (with the Training Program Directors committee)
b.    Draft an initial proposal regarding competition, trademarking, etc. (here or joint with 3Cs? This was a request of the 2012-2014 EB)

c.     Outreach to developing countries – act as a resource to support the development of ST training programs

2.    Training Program Directors Committee
All directors of ISST approved training programs are invited to be members of this committee. It serves in a similar capacity as the T&C committee and there is considerable overlap in the committees.  This committee will periodically review the ISST requirements for approval as a training program and the ISST certification requirements in individual ST.

3.   Quality Assurance Committee

The function of the QAC is to evaluate performance of training programmes in regard to the requirements recommended by the certification committees and approved by the EB. The committee has tasks in the area of continuing education requirements, evaluation and quality control.

The QAC has the following aims for the next two years:

a.    Compose a standards of training document
b.    Compose a standard QAC complaint form

c.    Compose a standard feedback form for all training programme

a.    Compose a supervision evaluation form and procedure for submission

Reporting to: ISST Vice President- Jeff Conway


Lynda Parry (Chair)
Peregrine Kavros

Muireann McNul

Aleksandra Yaltonskaya

    4.    Trainer-Supervisor Skills Development Committee – Chair, Jeff Conway
    a.    Case-Conceptualization review subcommittee

    5.    ST Specialty Areas Certification Committees:  these are the committees with experts in the specialty area who developed the certification requirements and curriculum for that area. They review applications for specialty certification as described on page 1 and make recommendations to the T&C Coordinator.
    a.    Group ST– Paul Kasyanik-EB Liaison - Farrell
    b.    Child – Adolescent ST– Ida Shaw- EB liaison Farrell
    c.     Couples ST–Travis Atkinson-EB liaison- ER or TA
    d.    Auxiliary ST – Eelco Muste chair, Farrell EB Liaison

    6.    Committee on Certification of ST Treatment Programs
    Co-chairs: Farrell & Kasyanik
    Members to be invited: Arntz (advisor) Zarbock, Reiss, Vind, Schosser, Egly, Muste, Younan, Brand, Harper, Fretwell, Hug (current director of the Littenheid approved program)

      This group will evaluate the outcome data and programs from the pilot project and formulate requirements for treatment program certification by ISST    

      7. ISST Summer School Program Committee

      Chair: Farrell Members, Paul Kasyanik, Carlos Rojas, Jordi Cid, Wendy Behary, Eckhard Roediger, Travis Atkinson

      This committee plans the ST  training program for the Summer School in coordination with the ISST Treasurer, Public Relations coordinator and local site representatives.

      Why Schema Therapy?

      Schema therapy has been extensively researched to effectively treat a wide variety of typically treatment resistant conditions, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read our summary of the latest research comparing the dramatic results of schema therapy compared to other standard models of psychotherapy.

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