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A Unique Approach to Some of the Most Challenging Issues in Treatment: Schema Therapy, Concepts and Tools

  • 21 Sep 2023
  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

A Unique Approach to Some of the Most Challenging Issues in Treatment: Schema Therapy, Concepts and Tools 

Trainer:  Wendy Behary

September 21, 2023

Start time:  11 am EST

End Time: 1 pm EST

2 hours

$59.99 Cdn

Location: ZOOM

Presented by: Schema Therapy Training Canada

Website: schematherapytrainingcanada.com

Clinical Director : Frances Miller MSW, RSW

EMAIL: fmiller.schemacda@gmail.com


Schema therapy is an innovative, integrative therapeutic approach, originally developed (by Dr Jeffrey Young) as an expansion of traditional cognitive-behavioral treatments.  The schema approach draws from cognitive-behavioral therapy, attachment theory, psychodynamic concepts and emotion-focused therapies, emphasizing lifelong patterns, affective change techniques, and the therapy relationship--with special emphasis on imagery rescripting and empathic confrontation.

Schema therapy is particularly well-suited for difficult, resistant clients with entrenched, chronic psychological disorders, including personality disorders (such as BPD and narcissism), eating disorders, interactive relationship problems, and unremitting emotional problems.  It is also effective for relapse prevention in depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.  Evidence has shown that clients who spend years gaining valuable insight with other treatments, but who are frustrated by their lack of progress, often respond well to the active, systematic, flexible and depth oriented schema approach.

This seminar will include a combination of teaching methods, including lecture, handouts, video clips, demonstrations, question-and-answer periods, and the discussion of the obstacles we face in the treatment room, including therapist’s own schemas.


1. Learn how to assess and conceptualize some of the most challenging cases in Schema terms.

2. Begin to learn to identify Schema Modes and activating conditions in the client’s life.

3. Develop a robust treatment formulation based on the linking of current problems with client’s innate makeup, early unmet needs, schemas, and coping styles

4. Help clients “make sense” out of self-defeating life patterns and emotional distress through the maintenance of a robust therapy relationship.

5. Identify “personal” triggering conditions in the treatment room, and strategies for maintaining a sturdy, genuine, and healthy adult mode.

6. Be exposed to an overview of strategies such as: (1) Imagery (2) Mode Dialogues (3) Empathic Confrontation (4) Bypassing Avoidance (5) Setting Limits (6) Adaptive (limited) Re-Parenting Stance (7) Behavioral Pattern-Breaking

Why Schema Therapy?

Schema therapy has been extensively researched to effectively treat a wide variety of typically treatment resistant conditions, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read our summary of the latest research comparing the dramatic results of schema therapy compared to other standard models of psychotherapy.

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