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Schema Therapy with Dreams and Nightmares by Lynda Parry

  • 19 Nov 2019
  • 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Sydney, Australia

Schema Therapy with Dreams and Nightmares

Lynda Parry, advanced schema therapist , trainer and supervisor


Sydney, NSW Australia 

November 19th 9.30am to 4.30pm


Nightmares of PTSD and Complex Trauma often call for a different treatment approach from the usual re-scripting of ST. Dreams on the other hand are often a valuable resource for accessing the vulnerable child mode. In addition dreams play a critical role in memory consolidation including clients' experience in therapy sessions.

Young suggested there are two classes of schemas - primary and secondary. Dreams can give access to primary schemas even when they are not present in the therapy room

Come and learn how to include this in your Schema Therapy practice.

Why Schema Therapy?

Schema therapy has been extensively researched to effectively treat a wide variety of typically treatment resistant conditions, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read our summary of the latest research comparing the dramatic results of schema therapy compared to other standard models of psychotherapy.

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