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Group-Schema Therapy for Eating Disorders by Susan Simpson

  • 31 Jan 2019
  • 01 Feb 2019
  • Maastricht, The Netherlands

(Group-)Schema Therapy for Eating Disorders

Susan Simpson

January 31 and February 1, 2019

Maastricht, The Netherlands

The Schema Therapy (ST) Mode model is well suited to the eating disordered population, particularly those with complex problems, rigid personality traits & interpersonal difficulties. Schema Therapy (ST) is an integrative therapeutic approach aimed at treating those with entrenched interpersonal, self-identity and characterological difficulties. One of the focal guiding strategies in ST is the development of a formulation & treatment plan which links early origins & underlying functions of eating disorders with current symptoms. This model addresses change not only at an intellectual/cognitive level, but also incorporates techniques that lead to emotional & behavioral change. ST techniques specifically target the rigid belief systems & high levels of avoidance characteristic of both characterological disorders & complex eating disorders that frequently interfere with progress in traditional treatments. The language during the workshop is English.


  • Key features of the Schema Therapy Model & rationale for application with eating disorders
  • Strategies for change, with an emphasis on deeper level change with core beliefs/schemas
  • Preliminary evidence for the Schema Therapy model with eating disorders
  • An opportunity to practice using powerful methods of addressing the 'Anorexic Voice'
  • Case study examples to enable participants to consider how they could apply schema change techniques with complex eating disorder clients
  • Opportunity to think about how you could apply schema change techniques with your own complex eating disorder clients.


Request for accreditation has been submitted to the FGzPt and the VGCt. The workshop takes place in the Hotel Novotel Maastricht, The Netherlands. The registration fee is 495 euros (excluding VAT) for both days. The fee includes lunch and coffee/tea (both days). There is a special discount for those who would like to make a reservation for a room at the Hotel Novotel Maastricht (please send an email to info@rj-opleidingen.nl). For more information and registration, please visit www.rj-opleidingen.nl. Any questions can be sent to info@rj-opleidingen.nl

Why Schema Therapy?

Schema therapy has been extensively researched to effectively treat a wide variety of typically treatment resistant conditions, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read our summary of the latest research comparing the dramatic results of schema therapy compared to other standard models of psychotherapy.

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