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Irish ISST-Accredited Individual Adult Schema Therapy Training 2022

  • 22 Apr 2022
  • 9:30 AM
  • 18 Sep 2022
  • 4:30 PM
  • In Person (Dublin-West)

Irish ISST-Accredited Individual Adult Schema Therapy Training 2022

1st Module: 22nd, 23rd & 24th April

2nd Module: 20th, 21st & 22nd May

3rd Module: 17th & 18th September

Trainers: Dr. Muireann McNulty, Jean Notaro and Dr. Eimear Farrell

Emails: muireann.mcnulty@pcilecturer.ie, jean.notaro@pcilecturer.ie, eimear.farrell@pcilecturer.ie

Website: https://www.pcicollege.ie/Individual-Schema-Therapy-Training

Brief description of the event

Schema therapy is an integrated therapy comprising cognitive, Gestalt, attachment-based, object relations and behavioural components.  The therapy was developed by Jeffrey Young for adults with personality difficulties related to childhood trauma who did not respond to CBT.  At the heart of the treatment is the client’s unmet emotional needs from childhood and the maladaptive cognitive and emotional schemas related to these unmet needs.  Through interview and completion of schema questionnaires, the therapist works with the client to collaboratively identify unmet childhood emotional needs and associated schemas to create a shared formulation.  In a structured and systematic therapy of between 6 and 24 months, the therapist works to allow the client experience those needs being met in the therapy relationship and in experiential exercises, and thus facilitates schemas healing.  Homework is set around generalizing this meeting of emotional needs outside the therapy relationship and helping clients to strength and develop their abilities to find adaptive ways to meet their emotional needs on an ongoing basis.  Schema therapy has been shown to be highly effective in treating individuals with complex issues including Borderline Personality Disorder (Gieson-Boo et al, 2006) and with other personality disorders (Bamelis et al, 2014).

For whom?

Clinical Psychologists, Counselling Psychologists, Psychologists specializing in Psychotherapy, Psychotherapists accredited with IACP, BABCP & IAHIP.

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge of the schema model and 18 maladaptive schemas
Knowledge of the schema mode model and main child modes (vulnerable and angry child modes), adult modes (healthy adult and critic), and coping modes (surrender, avoidant and overcompensating).
Knowledge of the main schemas and schema modes for clients with complex adult problems related to childhood trauma and adversity.
Skill in creating schema formulations for clients with complex adult difficulties, including personality disorder, related to childhood adversity and trauma.
Knowledge and practice of the main schema therapy interventions: limited reparenting, empathic confrontation, chair dialogues, imagery rescripting.


Brief description of themes broken down into sessions

TIMETABLE: Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm 

1st Module: 22nd, 23rd & 24th April

2nd Module: 20th, 21st & 22nd May

3rd Module: 17th & 18th September

Module 1 (3 days) covers the theoretical foundation of the schema and schema mode models and provide an introduction to and explanation for the main treatment techniques.
Theory covered includes unmet childhood emotional needs, schemas, schema modes, schema assessment and formulation in the schema model. Participants will practice using the model to create formulations for their current clients.  Schema therapy experiential techniques will be outlined and illustrated with video material and live role-plays, and in breakout rooms participants will take part in role-play exercises of imagery, empathic confrontation, limited reparenting and chair dialogue exercises.

Module 2 (3 days) will focus on schema therapy for clients with EUPD or EUPD traits. The main schemas and schema modes involved will be presented with case examples and video footage. Participants will gain practice and support with formulation. Demonstration and practice will follow looking at application of and adaptations to schema technique for this client group.

Module 3 (2 days) will focus on schema therapy for clients with other cluster B and cluster C personality difficulties and disorders. The main schemas and schema modes involved will be presented with case examples and video footage. Participants will gain practice and support with formulation. Demonstration and practice will follow looking at application of and adaptations to schema technique for these client groups.

Across all three modules, there will be exercises to support participants in identifying their own schemas and schema modes as they apply to their clinical work, to reflect on the impact of these on their clinical work, to look at ways to reduce and manage schema activation and schema mode activation, and ways to strengthen participants’ health adult and stay in healthy adult in their work with sometimes challenging clients.

Book online or

Contact for making reservations and enquires

Book online: Individual Schema Therapy Training Course (pcicollege.ie)

or contact Muireann.McNulty@pcilecturer.ie 

087 336 0042

Why Schema Therapy?

Schema therapy has been extensively researched to effectively treat a wide variety of typically treatment resistant conditions, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read our summary of the latest research comparing the dramatic results of schema therapy compared to other standard models of psychotherapy.

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