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A Day of Schema Therapy Self-Practice/Self-Reflection with Joan Farrell & Ida Shaw

  • 05 Feb 2016
  • 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Center for Cognitive Therapy Moscow, Director Yakov Kotchekov

Schema Therapy Self-Practice/Self-Reflection with Joan Farrell & Ida Shaw

An important part of training for Schema Therapists is self-therapy to understand one’s own schemas and modes, the role they play in being a schema therapist and the impact of patients’ in triggering schemas and modes. Such self-awareness is critical to the genuine, open presence required by Schema Therapy’s limited reparenting model. We think this is particularly important for therapists conducting group ST, as the impact of a number of clients at the same time can amplify therapists’ reactions and just being in a group can have triggering effects related to one’s family of origin. Self-schema therapy has personal benefits as well in terms of self-awareness and healing for one’s Vulnerable Child mode.

Joan & Ida spent two years as members of a self-therapy for therapists in their training and consider that experience critical to their understanding of themselves, their reactions when participating in a group and what clients experience. Participation in the workshop will add new interventions to use with clients and the deeper experience of ST from the “inside – out”. They believe that what one learns from this experience cannot be taught as effectively didactically, if at all. For that reason self-therapy in a group is a requirement for ISST Group Schema Therapy certification and this workshop fulfills that requirement. It can also be used to meet the three supervision hours credit allowed to meet individual ST certification supervision requirements. This day is appropriate for therapists new to ST and for those who are experienced with it.

Joan & Ida have facilitated self-therapy groups for over 30 years leading to their book Experiencing Schema Therapy from the Inside Out. The workshop begins with establishing safety and connection within the group and the agreement to keep confidential any personal material disclosed. Participants are encouraged to share as much or little content in the group as they feel comfortable with. They can choose to focus on a particular schema or mode issue that affects their personal or professional life or go into the day open to whatever experience they have. Just as they do with all groups, Joan & Ida assess the needs of the participants and plan the day’s work in collaboration with participants based upon the needs and modes present. The focus in the workshop is on experiential work including: exercises to identify maladaptive coping modes triggered in the group, awareness of the needs of your Vulnerable Child and self-care plans, further banishing work for the Demanding or Punitive Critic mode and evoking the Happy Child Mode to balance the hard work we do as therapists


Joan Farrell, Ph.D. and Ida Shaw, M.A. are advanced level International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST) Certified Trainer/Supervisors in individual & group ST and Ida holds the same certification in Child & Adolescent Schema Therapy. They direct the Indianapolis Center of the Schema Therapy Institute Midwest, a training, research and practice center with ISST approved training programs in individual and group ST. They offer training locally and in collaboration with ISST Training programs internationally – thirteen countries so far - where they receive rave reviews for their enthusiastic teaching style.

Joan is a licensed Clinical Psychologist, an adjunct professor of clinical psychology, department of psychology at Purdue University (IUPUI) and a Visiting Professor of Psychology St. Petersburg Polytechnical University. She was a faculty member of the Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM), in Psychiatry for 25 years. She is Research and Training director of the Center for BPD Treatment & Research of the Indiana University School of Medicine /Midtown CMHC. Ida is the Supervision Director at the center and was a Research Associate at IUSM. Ida’s expertise in experiential psychotherapies and her graduate degree in developmental psychology add critical elements to their collaboration. Joan is a member of the Executive Board of the ISST and the Coordinator for Training & Certification.

They have published research articles, book chapters, a training DVD and three books on Schema Therapy.

  • ·      Experiencing Schema Therapy from the Inside Out, Guilford, to be released 2016.
  • ·      The Schema Therapy Clinician’s Guide, Wiley 2014
  • ·      Group Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder, Wiley 2012
  • ·      Group Schema Therapy: A BPD group, DVD set in which they demonstrate GST with BPD patient-actors

More information is available on their website: www.BPD-home-BASE.org

Why Schema Therapy?

Schema therapy has been extensively researched to effectively treat a wide variety of typically treatment resistant conditions, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read our summary of the latest research comparing the dramatic results of schema therapy compared to other standard models of psychotherapy.

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